QA job description / QC job description
Validate your job descriptions by completing due dilegence – use quality control checksheets, available to purchase and download.
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Project Package Manager (PKM)
- Quality Assurance Quality Control Procurement Management
- Quality Assurance Quality Control Manager (Site)
- Quality Control Turn Over Engineer
- QC Senior Welding Inspector
- Quality Control Discipline Site Inspectors
- Certification Engineer
- Audit Leader
Our range of Inspection Check Sheets
A check sheet is a structured form or questionnaire for collecting and analyzing data. This is a generic tool that can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes. Collecting and analyzing data is important for identifying and understanding problems and thus making appropriate changes to solve these problems.Inspection check sheets are useful on construction projects that wants to improve quality and productivity, reduce defect rates, and reduce re-work.
Follow the links to the right to see the check sheets available in each range and get your projects under control.

Note: Criticality Rating (HIGH)
Note: Criticality Rating (HIGH)
Note: Criticality Rating (HIGH)
Note: Criticality Rating (HIGH)

Note: Criticality Rating (MED)
Note: Criticality Rating (MED)
Note: Criticality Rating (MED)
Quality Assurance Manager
The company Quality Assurance Manager is the representative of the project and has the responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system.
Role Responsibilities
- The preparation of the companies QA manual control and supervision of all amendments and revisions
- Control and the distribution of all the companies quality documentation
- Monitor all quality related activities on the project
- Perform all internal and external audits on behalf of the companies management
- Verify contractor quality requirements are specified to vendors and contractor documentation submittals.
- Attend all pre-bid meetings and coordinate all project requirements with the project bidders.
- Attend client quality management meetings
- The preparation and control of project quality system management documentation prior to project commencement.
- Review quality inspection personnel qualifications and training requirements
- Monitor the disposition of all issued nonconformance reports.
- Monitor the progress and effectiveness of the project quality management system. Recommend and implement improvements when required.
- Coordinate all QA/QC activities with the site QC manager
- Coordinate all QA/QC activities with the site QA/QC procurement manager
- Coordinate all quality related correspondence with the customers representatives.
- Monitor statistical method reporting.
- Action and close all customer complaints
- Control all achieve documentation upon the completion of the project.
(Project Package Manager) (PKM)
Construction, Oil Gas Projects
- The Package Manager (PKM) is the front-line of the Supply Chain activities within the project and is responsible for delivering the package to meet project requirements in terms of safety, budget, schedule, and quality.
- You perform the role of a “project manager” for the package.
- You ensure that the package is executed in line with the Project Procurement Strategy (PPS) and efficiently manages all tactical aspects of the package from RFQ, (Request for Quotation) PO, (Purchase Order) and post-order management until final delivery close-out.
- You actively contribute to the lessons learned process to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supply Chain.
Role Responsibilities
Package sourcing set up to meet project requirements activities:
- Understand the technical requirements of the package by liaising with Package Engineer (PKE) accordingly
- Set-up the package by collecting lessons learned, multi-disciplinary input, defining package gates, and planning accordingly.
- Develop the Package Procurement Strategy following Project Procurement Strategy (PPS), and incorporating lessons learned and input from Category Managers.
- Ensure that the tactical management of the procurement process is conducted appropriately (RFQ preparation, bid clarification meeting, negotiation, vendor selection, the recommendation to purchase) and in full compliance with Company working procedures.
- Measure realized savings for the package arising from the implementation of the procurement category strategy as defined in the PPS.
- Be accountable for the successful delivery of the assigned package inclusive of the proper application of vendor manufacturing management (VMM) process & package dashboard reporting
Package execution activities:
- Achieves the expected level of quality while reducing the risk of increased cost and delay
- Adjust the standard Quality Control Plan (QCP) to meet project requirements
- Manage the package interface with the vendor during PO execution
- Ensure that vendors activities are managed in line with project priorities
- Develop vendor quality awareness and ensure that quality controls are performed during the vendor manufacturing process as per QCP
- Provide Category Managers with continuous feedback on vendor performance and get their support in case of PO execution issues related to strategic vendors or strategic categories
- Ensure vendor documents are received, reviewed, and approved on time
- Monitor package execution through package gates, and proactively raise alerts to implement an action plan in case of potential issues (such as schedule, cost, quality, contract…)
- During internal contract checkpoints, provide active support to Project Buyer for contractual risks management and vendor claim management In case of package quality issues, proactively conduct root cause analysis to define with vendor immediate corrective actions and share the outcome with Category Manager when the package is related to strategic vendors or strategic categories
- Perform the overall rating of the vendor for his/her package
- Report package progress to the Project Procurement Manager as required during the entire life of the project
- Perform timely and complete package hand over and closeout
Completion Activities:
- Organize and lead hand over the session(s) with completion team per package
- Provide support and participate (if needed) in construction/integration, pre-commissioning, and commissioning activities
Quality Assurance Quality Control Procurement Management
The quality control procurement manager has the responsibility for the coordination and inspection of all procured items for site. He is responsibility to the projects QA manager.
Role Responsibilities
- The reviewing of site purchase orders to ensure that the applicable requirements are met
- The control of on site and off site vendor inspectors
- The compilation of vendor inspection assignments packages
- The coordination and resolution of any nonconforming product Reviewing vendors QA/QC systems in accordance with contractual requirements
- The attendance at site and inspection procurement meetings
- Coordination of vendor quality approvals when required
- Ensure the verification of documentation and certificates for materials purchased by vendors
- Review of suppler quality plans against contract requirements
- Review procurement documents to ensure that quality requirement have been correctly translated into purchase requisitions and design documents
- Review supplier inspection procedures and personnel qualifications
- Review supplier material certificates
- Take part in supplier audit and surveillances
- Coordinate with the companies discipline engineers for the resolution of technical discrepancies
- Coordinate with management for quality improvements
- Issue of nonconformance reports
- Track all nonconformance reports
- Coordinate with the owners representative on all procurement issues
- Monitor progress of all purchase requisitions
Quality Assurance Quality Control Manager (Site)
The company site Quality Control Manager reports to the company QA Manager. He ensures the quality of the site installations is consistent with the company’s policy requirements together with national and international standards and the customers specifications.
Role Responsibilities
- Implement the QA/QC management system at site
- Coordinate with quality inspections with all the site sub contractors and vendors coordinate all non destructive testing on site
- Coordinate with the customers representative on all quality matters
- Coordinate all receipt inspections
- Distribute relevant QA/QC documentation to site subcontractors
- Verify that the quality related site activities are in accordance with the applicable codes and standards
- Participate in the site internal and external site audits
- Coordinate all the quality site inspections through the site QC inspectors
- Ensure all quality control documentation is complied and competed for as-built hand over through the QC turnover engineer
- Control all nonconformance reports and undertake remedial action
- Compete site quality control instructions and action remedial responses
- Review the customers specification and undertake relevant training to the site QC inspector
- Monitor the implementation of the approved site QC Plan
- Complete and coordinate the approval of the sites QC technical submittals to the customer
- Coordinate with the site construction manager on all quality issues Coordinate and chair the QA/QC site weekly meetings with the projects subcontractors QC personnel
- Elaborating inspection and test programs
- Ensure the safety is adhered to at site
- Assure all technical documents relative to site quality control are current status
Quality Control Turn Over Engineer
The QA/QC Turnover engineer reports to the site QA/QC manager. He is responsible for the following.
Role Responsibilities
- Ensures the quality records, acceptance certificates, mechanical completion certificates and the documentation for specific systems and buildings/areas are prepared and collated in accordance with project requirements
- Coordinate with the planning and scheduling department to ensure milestone dates are understood for each turn over area
- Coordinate with the site QC manager for the completion of as-built turnover documentation
- Resolve any discrepancies between the completed milestone and quality documentation
- Review suppliers inspection and test plans against the milestone scope of work
- Coordinate with the commissioning department to define the scope of work
- Assist the site subcontractors to compile turnover dossiers
- Provide progress information for incorporation into project reports
- Monitor hydrostatic test packs for incorporation into as-built dossiers
- Consider the implications of delays in QC as-built turnover documentation and bring to the attention of the site QC manager
- Monitor and control the status of punch list and exception lists relevant to quality dossiers
- Attend the weekly QA/QC, and commissioning meetings
- Coordinate any inconsistencies with test packages with the field QC site inspectors
- Provide progress data to the planning and scheduling department
QC Senior Welding Inspector
The QC senior welding inspector reports to the site QC manager. He is responsible for the following.
Role Responsibilities
- Elaborating and coordinating the welding specifications, and codes/standards
- Coordination with the field subcontractors for all welding procedure specifications and procedures qualifications reports
- Review course and effects of welding defects and take remedial actions
- Coordination with the field subcontractors and the Third Party NDT Inspection Company
- Review of the radiographic film and all NDT reports on a daily basis
- Auditing of the approved Third Party NDT Inspection Company
- Reviewing the inspection and testing methods and procedures for Radiographic, Dye Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, and Ultrasonic inspections
- Witnessing of welder qualifications testing and procedures qualification testing
- Witnessing any remedial repair welding
- Reviewing of the welding summery reports
- Checking the hydrostatic test packages for NDT compliance prior to testing
- Advising the site subcontractors with regards to welding and testing
- Monitor any Post Weld Heat Treatment on site and review the completed test reporting
- Selection of welds for non destructive testing
- Recording and listing of defective welds
- Monitor the control and issue of welding electrodes
- Control the QC site welding inspectors
- Actively monitor site radiation safety
- Review day to day applications for x-raying of welds
- Coordinate the issue of nonconformance reports through the site QC manager
- Compete site quality instructions to sub contractors when required
Quality Control Discipline Site Inspectors
Welding, Mechanical, Piping, Painting, Electrical, Instrumentation; Civil & Structural) The site QC inspectors reports to the site QC manager
Role Responsibilities
- Witnessing and sentencing of all site inspections within their disciplines
- Coordinate all site inspections with the site subcontractors
- Ensure that all inspection reports are accurate and that all attached documents are current status
- Ensure all work is correctly prepared prior to any inspection being undertaken
- Review all inspection reports for compliance
- Assist the site QC manager in the organisation, maintenance and control of the quality system
- Liase with the site construction engineers and provide assistance when requested
- Prepare nonconformance reports to the QA manager and assist in developing corrective actions
- Assist the QC manager and construction manager in resolving any discrepancies and ambiguities
- Coordinate with the customers QC inspectors for the resolution of site problems
- Coordinate with the site subcontractors to ensure that communications exist and are maintained
- Assist the site subcontractors in the resolution of drawing interpretation
- Attend the weekly QC meetings
- Review work procedures and method statements for compliance with good work practices and the customers contract specializations
- The issuance of nonconformance reports in conjunction with the site QC manager
- The completion of QC site instructions and coordinate their closure The review of inspection test packages during the course of construction activities
- Compliance with the site’s health and safety regulations
Certification Engineer
Role Responsibilities
- Facilitate the coordination of required verification information between the Client Representative, Client and project personnel.
- Ensure the integrity and legal compliance of the product by engaging, and working with, Client Representative, Client and project personnel..
- Provide advice and guidance to the project delivery team on all matters of verification and regulatory compliance
- Work with the Location Quality Manager and the Project Management Team to ensure:
- Project Verification Plan and dependent systems and procedures are developed and implemented in compliance with the requirements of the Quality Management System (QMS) and Project Management System (PMS) consistent with specific location, regulatory and contractual requirements.
- Project personnel are suitably trained in Project Verification Plan requirements and to access and apply dependent systems, procedures and reference materials via the Project Web Site, QMS, PMS and the Knowledge Communities as applicable. Facilitate regular meetings with all interested parties to ensure alignment of understanding and direction.
- Co-ordinate the implementation of certification assurance processes within the project for regulatory compliance
- Review and approve Supplier/Subcontractor Quality Control Plans/Inspection Test plans and procedures.
- Be familiar with the requisition requirements and equipment/material specifications.
- Be fully familiar with the verification and inspection release processes and ensure their compliance.
- Ensure all certification requirements are clearly identified, understood and included with the requisition and PO.
- Attend Pre-production kick-off meetings with Supplier/Subcontractor (as appropriate).
- Review Supplier/Subcontractor Fabrication/Certification Dossiers (as appropriate).
- To participate (as necessary) in management visits/audits to Suppliers and Sub-contractors.
- Report promptly to the Project Quality Manager all matters related to verification scheme performance and regulatory compliance.
- Ensure that all necessary quality records are identified and retained in accordance with client and regulatory requirements.
Audit Leader
The Audit leader will ensure the implementation and effectiveness of quality processes and procedures that are required to assure integrity of the company assets throughout their Asset Lifecycle, FEED (Front End Engineering & Design) EPC (Engineering Procurement & Construction) Precommissioning, Commissioning and Project Handover.
Role Responsibilities
The Audit leader will assist the Asset Integrity Manager with the following:
- Confirm that all the necessary strategies and controls are demonstrably in place to assure the integrity of the assets in the operations/production phase of the full lifecycle.
- Confirm project processes and procedures have been implemented to demonstrate full compliance with the governmental integrity related laws
- Confirm that the impact of the rapidly evolving governmental legislative framework on the (Production) Integrity Assurance Strategy is properly managed
- Confirm that the facilities under development, designed and built by the Project teams, are managed in such a way that integrity (and hence safety and economic performance) can be maintained during the full asset lifecycle
- Confirm that the Project teams have made adequate integrity assumptions in the development of the basis of project design, operational strategies and maintenance strategies
- Provide guidance in the development of Integrity Assurance processes and procedures of related projects as required
- Provide discipline driven input to the development of the overall asset integrity assurance plan for the onshore and offshore assets
- Translate discipline focussed systems and management processes within the asset integrity assurance plan into actionable procedures and work instructions for independent audit teams
- Foster and mentor a regionalisation programme for the integrity assurance function, building sustainable competency and a sustainable integrity assurance & safety culture among newly recruited project staff
Accountabilities and Responsibilities:
The Audit Leader is responsible for:
- Assisting the Asset Integrity Assurance Manager by acting as audit leader of assigned audits (the audit leader will preferably be assigned to audits of his own technical expertise)
- Managing exercises and audits to ensure the necessary strategies and controls are demonstrably in place to assure the integrity of the assets in all phases of the project lifecycle
- Contributing to the assurance that the facilities under development by the Company are designed and built in such a way that integrity (and hence safety and economic performance) can be maintained during all phases of the lifecycle
- Contributing to the preparation of look ahead plans for audits to be held
- Managing external resources in the execution of audits
- Coordinating with other auditing teams to prevent unnecessary disturbance of running projects
- Reviewing agendas and terms of reference to ensure clarity of purpose
- Preparing external parties of the auditing team for the audit
- Compiling and issuing report and support interpretation of its contents; follow-up and monitor closure of actions
- Coordinating reporting of external parties
HSE Responsibilities:
- Assuring technical integrity forms the basis of the company’s health, safety and environmental performance.
- Audit Leader will interface with the on- and offshore Construction and Commissioning-, to plan and organise audits.
- Audit Leader will interface with representatives of the non-operating partners with regards to performing the auditing functions
- Audit Leader will interface with representatives of integrity related contractors performing auditing tasks for the Asset Integrity Assurance Group.