Construction Assurance Best Practices (Word Talk)
Use Construction “Word talk” best practices on your project to implement a quality culture with your project staff and subcontractors. These audio files are intended for use by staff to reinforce correct procedures and support the effective implementation of construction assurance best practices on the projects you are involved with.
The spoken word in these downloads uses a computer generated voice to avoid potential confusion that can be caused by unfamilliar accents.
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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOADWhat is Quality Assurance? Quality Assurance is the process of identifying or deciding on the quality requirements for a construction project identifying, reducing and preventing defective work and mitigating project schedule delays. International Standard Organisation ISO 9001 is the industry standard.
Risk 001 (Construction Project) Risk Assessment
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Identify and analyse potential and future events that could negatively impact assets and prevent project delays.
HSE 01 Housekeeping
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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOADSafeguard your HSE on your project and reduce your risk use “World Talk” instructional audio files to implement
24/7 access information to ensure you construction personnel understand and implement HSE.